Week 8 April 19-25
This week we hit day 40 of being quarantined on the ship. All the Biblical references have now started to be jokes throughout the ship. During one of the comedy nights someone made a joke about how we were like Moses- we could see the land but we could not enter it. Haha!! that’s definitely the way we feel.
We have biweekly fire drills on board the ship. This week the nurses that are not part of the EMT team were able to assist in helping with the drill. The fake emergency happened in the academy (the school on board for volunteer’s children). A smoke machine was used to make the visibility difficult and the kids had makeup on that made them look like they were bleeding and burnt. They loved it! They were so into their roles of acting short of breath, unable to talk, and parents acted distraught and overly concerned. Meanwhile I was very impressed. I was also able to play a nurse again and it was such a great feeling. I have often wondered if I chose the correct career path in life but after being removed from nursing for a bit, it has become very evident that it is where my passion lies.
On Friday we had our first ever Silent Disco on board. It was also my first time ever to participate in one. For those who have no idea what I am talking about let me explain. Everyone has the same list of music, a pair of headphones, and gathers in the same location. The key is to make sure you all press play at the same time and then you all dance to the music. The thing is, to the person walking by, everyone looks crazy just dancing randomly in silence! Our photographer on board made us a track with a variety of songs and sent us all the link, we had a disco ball and string lights.. and we all attempted to press play at the same time but somehow it didn’t quite end up to be the exact same time, which honestly turned out to be absolutely hilarious. During the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” we were all so into it but also were all very much NOT in sync! haha! It was so fun and I think funny to those who were witnesses... or maybe we have just all gotten to the crazy stage in quarantine and are losing our minds thinking everything is funny.
The past week hasn’t differed much from the others. I will say, one my favorite parts of every day has now been meal time. I am just embracing getting to sit around a table with people and enjoy eating and laughter. My absolute favorite has been small group time. Just getting to dive into God’s word and seeing how it applies to everything we are going through right now as well as the history into the text. It’s one thing to read the scripture but I’ve found it so much more meaningful to understand the background of the setting and history of it. I’ve never been one to be into history facts but never say never I guess because now I just can’t get enough of it. This past week in one of my small groups, I was asked to share my testimony. Yes, I have become a lot closer with them but I was still super nervous to just lay it all out there. Plus, there are boys in the group. Why that makes a difference, I don’t know but I just felt like a lot of what God has done in my life is full of emotions and I didn’t know how the boys would take it. I truly don’t remember what I said.. I made notes before hand which was helpful but I just prayed it would be less about the obstacles I’ve been through and more about what God has done for me and in me. He has redeemed me, loved me when I felt unlovable, and given me grace when I never deserved it. I also wanted to be honest with them, saying I really struggled at times to see God. Looking back now, wow how much I can see that God has been faithful in every moment. After I was finished sharing, they all prayed over me and it was such a precious time..to feel loved and to know they are here for me even with the struggles I still have. Afterwards, we all had our blankets and laid together talking. We bonded so much that night. We star gazed, talked, laughed, and enjoyed music. It truly will forever be one of my favorite nights.
Coming to the ship I think I expected it to be like church camp on steroids. I had in my mind that everyone was going to be sold out for Jesus. I knew Senegal was predominantly Muslim but I didn’t really consider other crew being non-religious. If you come as a short term volunteer you are not required to be a Christian. Therefore there are quite a few people on board the ship that may have different beliefs about a God, Gods, or no God. Mercy ships stands on their faith as being a Christian organization but they do not force you to go to Bible reading or any community church meetings. However, I do think it is very evident in the atmosphere what most people’s focus is on. All that being said, there have been a couple of people I’ve become friends with that either believed in God and feel like He has walked away or just don’t really know what they believe in. I haven’t really said anything as far as preaching to them but I have began to pray for them. Praying for whatever they are struggling with, for God to break down those walls and for them to experience the Holy Spirit. This past week I’ve started to see something changing in them. A little more joy, a smile, and allowing themselves to feel. On Sunday in church, they were there standing and singing and even allowing prayer over them! I’m not giving the situation justice by my description. But I will say it brought me to tears knowing the Holy Spirit is working in them. They aren’t here by accident. It has been such an honor to witness the seed being planted in their lives. Many questions and trials may be ahead but I will continue to pray for them. For the Lord isn’t worried about His people that already know Him- His heart is focused on the ones who don’t.
This week flights have started to open up and the process of getting us back to our home countries has begun. It is a very lengthy process dealing with multiple embassies and immigration offices just to get the paperwork started. I am very thankful for our purser on board the ship who has made all this as smooth as possible. We’ve officially said goodbye to our Australians and some of our New Zealand crew that were still on board. Goodbyes are never easy but I think we all just soaked in all the hugs we could give because we knew the times of hugs and physical touch would be nonexistent at home. Please join me in prayer for those who left this week to return home to government mandated quarantine hotels. I’m sure all of you have been enduring the shelter in place orders and are getting used to the “new normal;” however, I just would like to ask for prayer for my friends and myself as we continue in traditions from home to Africa to ship life to quarantine to sailing life to new job roles in quarantined Spain to finally, home again but not as we left it.
Written by Lauren Craig
2020 Global Health Collaboration Missions Scholarship Recipient
Working with Mercy Ships
Tenerife, Spain