At the Cross is Where I'll Bloom

Week 7- April 12-18

Sunday was Easter and what a celebration that was! This was my first full experience of a Holy Week. I have always known about it but had never partaken in the rituals and ceremonies. One night we had communion and prayer time. A group of people took the time to redecorate the international lounge to be a very peaceful and inviting environment. There were beautiful drapes and material covering the walls. The plants that were throughout the ship had all been moved into the lounge. Pillows were arranged on the floor to have a inviting intimate place with The Lord. A separate area was made for the communion room. In it, there was a long table with satin material draped over it and on top laid a beautiful long loaf of bread and juice. Before you could could get your cup or bread, a bottle of hand sanitizer was awaiting. Haha! No intentional spreading of germs on this ship! Laying along chairs and pillows were passages from the Bible as it related to communion and the events surrounding the last supper. I’ve read the passages many times over the years but for some reason this time, I could really place myself around the table. It was in these moments of reading over the scripture and taking the bread and juice, that I realized this is the first time I’ve ever done this outside of church or church gathering. It was just me and The Lord. It was so amazing to really soak in the scripture and imagine myself at the table with Jesus. It was so much more than the usual “okay time to eat the bread and drink the juice” but really focus on the words Jesus said or grasping what Jesus was about to endure on the cross. 

On Good Friday we had a service on the story leading up to Jesus’s crucifixion. It was something I definitely want to start as a tradition in my family. It was a great reminder of all that happened leading up to the cross. A lot of times I find myself thinking of all Jesus endured for me and knowing He rose again. But I forget the details and the time He went through such ridicule. At the end of the service we were asked to write down anything we may need to surrender to Jesus. There was a cross with cards, nails, and hammers in the front of the room.. We were asked to write them down and then nail them to the cross. I have been a part of services at home when we did the same thing and every time it is just as powerful! What a great reminder that Jesus truly paid it all for us. One thing I had not seen before was what they did with the cross after that night.. We left our written surrenders on the cross that night and on Easter, the cross was found with flowers coming out of every nail pierced spot. It gave me chills. I truly feel thats the way Christ sees us. All the negative things we struggle with, all the labels we throw on ourselves, are made into something beautiful when we lay it down at Christ’s feet.

We are made new in Him. Praise God for the gift of Jesus. 

On Easter we started the morning with a sunrise service. Everyone on board gathered up on the deck and had worship together as the sun rose. It was absolutely breathtaking. The sunrise in itself was beautiful but add the voices of everyone singing praises onto The Lord was such a priceless moment. I was a part of the wonderful group that was working Easter weekend. Yes, I have worked many holidays at home but this was the first I could say I worked on Easter but it was to help prepare the feast for a celebration of Easter. We had prepped as much as we could in the days leading up to Sunday so that when we all came together we would not be as overwhelmed with the amount of food to prepare. We worked so efficiently we were able to break in time for the church service. In that service it was brought to our attention that we were probably one of the very few groups around the world able to gather together for Easter. That set the tone for the day. Yes, we were so filled with joy for all that the day represented but also a new appreciation and love was shared around the room for all of us being able to still gather together. During lunch, those who work in the dining room and galley were asked to walk around the room as others showed their appreciation for us by standing and clapping. It was so kind. I didn’t feel like I deserved that but I had gained a new appreciation for all that goes into an Easter celebration feast. 

Throughout the week it was very similar to weeks past. Meetings, trivia, games, work, small group, etc. It has now started to feel like the normal way. I think when I come back for another field service (Lord willing) that I will have to remind myself that I was a part of something rare and precious during such a traumatic and uncertain time. Not that the normal field service life isn’t precious, it will just be different. 

I’ve been loving every minute I have with such genuine people. Their hearts and minds focused so closely on whatever the Lord wants for them. I am learning to be more intentional with my quiet time and be thankful I have that opportunity. Learning to lean in more to God and focus on His goodness rather than my wants for this life. I’m grateful we, as crew members, have this time together. We are all praying for you back home.

Stay healthy and safe- physically and spiritually. 


Written by Lauren Craig

2020 Global Health Collaboration Missions Scholarship Recipient

Working with Mercy Ships

Tenerife, Spain